37130, Murfreesboro, Tennessee - June 19, 2018
Brick or Stone Tuck Pointing$7.41 - $10.59 per square foot for brick repointing Estimated quote takes into account the price of brick repointing. Also includes equipment setup, removal of deteriorating mortar, and mortar joint replacement. Estimate does not account for historic homes, stone tuck pointing, brick replacement, waterproofing services, foundation repair, mortar testing, and brick refacing.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
37230, Nashville, Tennessee - June 19, 2018
Brick or Stone Tuck Pointing$7.47 - $10.68 per square foot for brick repointing Cost estimate includes brick repointing labor. Includes equipment setup, removal of deteriorating mortar, and mortar joint replacement. This estimate does not include historic homes, stone tuck pointing, brick replacement, waterproofing services, foundation repair, mortar testing, and brick refacing.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
37130, Murfreesboro, Tennessee - May 23, 2018
Brick Patio Installation$10.97 - $12.07 per square foot installed (mid-grade brick) This estimated price includes brick patio or walkway installation labor. Cost accounts for basic site preparation, standard bricks laid in a simple pattern, and cleanup. Does not include mortared brick patios or walks, concrete slab base, complex patterns, or demolition of an existing surface.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
37230, Nashville, Tennessee - May 23, 2018
Brick Patio Installation$11.06 - $12.16 per square foot installed (mid-grade brick) Estimate for brick patio or walkway installation is included. No additional charge for basic site preparation, standard bricks laid in a simple pattern, and cleanup. Cost does not take into account mortared brick patios or walks, concrete slab base, complex patterns, or demolition of an existing surface.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |